Classroom in Chindumba

Current situation

The schools in question are state run, and are often in a state of dis­repair, due to a very long civil war (1975- 2002) which ravaged the country. The govern­ment is working hard to improve the situation but due to logistical hurdles it is often urban area that gets help first. Rural schools are often lagging way behind in their development.

In rural areas children often only have access to primary education. There is an enormous shortage of basic educational materials and the children lack moti­vation as they have little prospect of finishing their primary education properly.

Stichting Holangola

The Holangola Foundation wants to help these children. Our first project is to equip the Chindumba school, as we have access to a trustworthy and motivated partner in the village who can help realize the project from the Angolan end.

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